Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Somebirdy Special card

Good morning followers. Does anyone have any sleep remedies? I slept about five hours all weekend. Leave me a comment if you do! In dragging and would give anything to sleep all night just One Night! It wouldn't be so bad if I was creative during those waking hours! LOL

Today's card features stamps I just randomly stamped while visiting a friend. I'm not a fan of just stamping and having them sit around until I figured out what I could do with then. It when I saw these. I had an idea and here it is! I used my Copics and colored all of the pieces and cut then all out and layered them using dimensionals! You can see where i used the blender pen to create the texture to the nest. Isn't it just the cutest?

Enjoy. I'm off work.


  1. Have you tried melatonin from the drug store. Take it 20 or so minutes before you want to be asleep. It usually works for me.

  2. Hi Karen,
    Love your blog! Super great projects!!!
